is this blog dead?

Last month, we were prompted by our web hosting service that it was time to renew our account. We paid to keep this space alive, just barely alive. I seem to have this approach to a number of responsibilities in my life. The once lush grass is being taken over by crabgrass and assorted weeds. Real grass is in there, guys! Just enough so that I can call it a lawn. Last summer’s tomato plants, yes they did grow and produce a few tomatoes despite my inconsistent watering. My car–yes it’s still running. Sure the “check engine” light is on but it does that a lot these days. And didn’t my mechanic say it was ok? But I digress.

This blog is sadly clinging to life. If it could feel, I’m pretty sure it would need to see a therapist regarding my parental neglect. Blogs, what happened? Do we all just prefer Facebook to post snippets of our lives? The quicker, simpler forms of sharing win over maintaining a blog. It seems that if you keep up a blog these days, you (1) have written or are writing a book or (2) have your business/employment tied to blog traffic. Am I alone in noticing this?

So what about this blog? Why do I allow it to limp along? When I write, it is more than sitting down and banging out a few paragraphs. I have family life to share, thoughts that have been percolating, experiences to retell–when I write, I share myself. I’ve spent a few years wondering about the “public” me. I live a life that is open to a wider community. I have to decide what, where and how should I share of myself. It is risky. If I reveal myself, I am vulnerable.

Do I want to be vulnerable? That is an uncomfortable question to answer. (Just try that at your next dinner party.) No, I don’t often want to be vulnerable. Should I and do I? Yes, most certainly just not here. Will that change? Maybe. I’m thinking about it, especially since we just paid to keep this blog alive. 🙂

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2 Comments on "is this blog dead?"

  1. bert
    12/12/2014 at 2:59 pm Permalink

    a month goes by…

  2. c
    28/12/2023 at 10:53 am Permalink

    blogs like this are the most nostalgic

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