
Today I spent a glorious Saturday at home. At this stage of life, we are rushing about from event to event, activity to activity. (Unless there are blizzard conditions, and can we not talk about winter right now?) I have a long list of “I’ll get to it” tasks and one of them involved melting candle wax. Really. So as I stood by the stove waiting for the wax to melt, I had time for reflection–reflection while making sure I didn’t set the house on fire.

I’ve read a little here and there about what people think about blogging. Is it really uncool now? Should we instead be only sending each other photos and blurbs that evaporate or shuffle quickly down feeds? Do I need to blog? What do I really have to say anyhow? Do people read blogs anymore? Are blogs aging out as other forms of social media grow? Or are we all moving to all forms of social media? If you split your attention to your six or more forms of social media, can you achieve nuclear fission?

I have no idea and I’m not sure where this little space will go either. But I do like saying “hi.” So if you are still out there, “Howdy!”

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5 Comments on "howdy"

  1. bert
    23/03/2014 at 5:12 pm Permalink

    howdy indeed.

  2. lulu
    23/03/2014 at 9:41 pm Permalink

    howdy! 🙂

  3. Debra C
    24/03/2014 at 10:21 pm Permalink

    Howdy 🙂 Blogging is not uncool! I see it as a valuable form of reflection + expression that FB and other social media outlets can’t offer.

    Also, this line made me laugh: So as I stood by the stove waiting for the wax to melt, I had time for reflection–reflection while making sure I didn’t set the house on fire.

    Thanks for still updating 🙂

  4. Nancy
    25/03/2014 at 1:11 am Permalink

    Howdy! 🙂

    I miss the days of xanga where everyone blogged and wrote entries longer than half a sentence. It was fun reading each other thoughts, commenting, and learning from each other.

    I read blogs, and I’m _trying_ to get back into blogging, working on it a little here and there. My expectation is that it’s mostly for myself, and if others read, that’s great.
    I don’t know if we’ll ever get back those xanga times.

  5. goc
    22/04/2014 at 12:04 am Permalink

    howdy. umm… yeah, just got around to catching up on your blog. 🙂

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