something to read

Our kids got hit with sicknesses that kept me at home for a week and a half. The weather’s been nice so I’ve been taking brief walks around my yard, if you can really call that a walk. It’s more like pacing between my potted veggies. Anyhow, it’s been quiet here on the blog but not in actual life. Fevers flourished, medicine was dispensed, vomit happened (sadly) and also a measure of whining (also sadly). We’re sort back to life again. It’s like we’re the hare waking up from a nap and seeing the tortoise inches away from the finish line. We’ve got to make up for lost time.

The other day, Evan came home with some creative writing. We’re posting it for your entertainment while we run like mad to the finish line.

One Day at the Beach

[The writing prompt is italicized. The rest is Evan’s work as is.]
The waves crashed against the sand. I plopped my pack down and spread out my towel. It was going to be a wonderful day. Just then…as a wave crashed against the sand again, I saw something gray and long as the wave crashed against the shore. Being me, I want answers. I went closer to the water. I scanned the water for any sign of the gray thing. I must’ve been so absorbed in finding the gray thing, because a wave just crashed down on me. I waded into the water. I kept wading until the water was up to my chin. I swam farther from shore. My arms were getting tired from swimming. I stuck my head in the water. Suddenly, my feet touched something wet and smooth. I looked at my feet. I saw that they were touching the back, (dramatic pause) of, (another pause) a shark. I stuck my head out of the water swam back to shore as fast as I could. Then I realized a boat was speeding toward me. Then the boat stopped right in front of me. Then a net came down from the boat. I got caught in the big net. The net was hauled on the ship just as the shark reached the place the net was. There was several people on the boat. The boat went back to shore. I asked the driver of the boat who he was. He said, that’s a secret for now, kid.”

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