peace & pizzazz

In the midst of many demands, there are those moments when we think, “Hey this isn’t so bad after all.” I’ve experienced this a lot over the years. Not that I can take credit for it. Thankfully, God’s unchanging grace does it all. Though I need to have faith in that grace and be diligent in my responsibilities. I mention this because while looking at my clean kitchen counter with my three (!) kids in bed there was peace. Never mind the disorder just steps away or the children today who either was teething, wheezing or clingy. Then again, my faith isn’t in clean counters or well-behaved children. (Thank God!)

We’ve mentioned here that BCEC is starting an after-school program. This was the first week–very exciting! As of now, it’s being called Project Destiny After-School, though I’m not sure about the hyphen. It’s an extension of PD our summer camp for middle schoolers. So the acronym would be PDAS. I think that they’re working on a catchy name. This week, e’s been using the acronym but pronouncing it PUH-daz. Rhymes with pizzazz. Not bad, I guess.

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